Thursday, May 20, 2010

Single and Blogging. Shocking, I know.

So I've had this inner struggle about creating a blog.
It seems as if there's this unwritten prerequisite to having a blog,
and that perquisite is getting married,
and then, once married,
you can create a blog.
A couple's blog.
But so what if I'm not married?
I'm going against the grain and joining the blogging world anyways.
I was inspired by this amazing woman, Stephanie Nielson.
Her story is incredible, and her blog is uplifting. You must read it if you want to get a good chuckle,
and feel ready to tackle life,
whatever it brings. So go read her blog. Now.
Her testimony of Jesus Christ,
and the Plan of Salvation,
is unwavering and she truly is a light than shines in the darkness.
But she is also completely down to earth.
Example #1: she lets her kids run around naked.
Example #2: she had her toddler pee on the tire of the car in a parking lot.
At Target. Because it's much easier than going in to the store.
And she "did what any mother would do."
Love her!
So I dedicate my blog to her. Oh and you should go read her blog
She inspired me to start a blog after I heard why she first started blogging.
It had to do with a certain talk by Elder M. Russell Ballard,
entitled "Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet." Read it here!
One little quote from his talk states:

"There are conversations going on about the Church constantly. Those conversations will continue whether or not we choose to participate in them. But we cannot stand on the sidelines while others, including our critics, attempt to define what the Church teaches. While some conversations have audiences in the thousands or even millions, most are much, much smaller. But all conversations have an impact on those who participate in them. Perceptions of the Church are established one conversation at a time."

I find that I am guilty too often of choosing not to participate in these conversations about the church and gospel principles, and that ends here, today. Each day I will keep his question in mind that Elder Ballard poses: "How will you use these marvelous inventions? More to the point, how will you use them to further the work of the Lord?" I am no longer going to sit on the sidelines, I'm going to use the internet (via my blog) to participate in these conversations. So consider yourself warned: this blog will contain my thoughts about religion and the gospel, my testimony, and quotes from church at your own risk! But no worries, I'll also keep you updated with fun little stories about my crazy life:
I'm living at home.
With my family.
After graduating from college.
I share a room with my five year old sister.
And my 3 year old brother.
Oh, and temporarily with my 12 year old brother.
I think that is the definition of crazy.
P.S. I'm dating this guy.
And I'm kind of smitten.
And did I mention that you should read Stephanie Nielson's blog?


  1. Nicole! I am so excited to be blog friends with you! I love the background, btw. Stephanie Nielson was in our ward in AZ right before we moved back the last time. I keep hoping she'll decide to visit her old ward while I'm there, ha ha.

  2. ps. follow me at

    I'm hosting a giveaway soon and it'll be on there. Plus it would make me feel good about myself.
