Monday, June 11, 2012

I know what's best

We all feel that way right?

Our human tendency is to want things we desire to happen on our own time (which for me is yesterday) and in my own way. Many times people, including myself, condition their faith and allegiance to Christ and to the Church upon these desires and the fulfillment (or lack of fulfillment) of them.

I need to remember these words of wisdom from Elder Neal A. Maxwell:

"When we are unduly impatient with an omniscient God's timing, we really are suggesting that we know what is best. Strange, isn't it--we who wear wristwatches seek to counsel Him who oversees cosmic clocks and calendars."

1 comment:

  1. I need to remember this all the time too... one of my favorite quotes (probably from the same talk) is, "Faith in God includes faith in His timing." I hope things work out soon! :)
